DAI Region

Middle East & North Africa

Countries Served

  • Egypt*
  • Turkey
  • 3 undisclosed countries

*Indicates Ministry Center

Countries Served

  • Egypt*
  • Turkey
  • 3 undisclosed countries

*Indicates Ministry Center

Middle East


2023 statistics

Workshop Attendees





Traditional leadership in this region of the world is hierarchical and male, therefore accepting Jesus’ model of servant leadership is an enormous leadership challenge.

Making room for women to use their leadership gifts is also highly counter cultural. Pastors often do not receive leadership or management training, beyond traditional theological studies, making them ill-equipped to lead their churches. Christian leaders face rapidly changing political situations, economic challenges, persecution and ongoing conflict and are seeking training to know how to respond.

DAI’s Response

DAI began by primarily serving pastors. Then the training spread to elder boards, then to business leaders and recently to younger leaders. Today a variety of DAI programs are extremely popular, including strategic thinking for church leaders who are trying to help the ancient church adapt to modern opportunities and challenges.

Marriage seminars have touched a great need as Christians living in a primarily Muslim culture sort through what beliefs are cultural and which are biblical. Also popular are the retreats for younger leaders full of interactive sessions, worship and prayer. A spiritual formation course is also offered in a number of seminaries in the region meeting a deep spiritual hunger among participants.


"I initially thought that a man was superior to a woman. However, this mentality has been submerged by the biblical truth and i now consider both gender as mutual partners who were created in God's image. I am now respectful and continue to be transformed as a result of undertaking this course."

Fredrick Matakidi
South Sudan

"The text book Unleader was so touching it changed me all round. As a Christian leader I have learnt that we exist as advocates for those we lead, to release them from their spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enable them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults."

Allan Senyimba

History of DAI in the Region

DAI has been serving this region for almost 15 years.


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