DAI Staff Articles

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Homestay Turned Covid Community Kitchen

Homestay Turned Covid Community Kitchen

A regional shortage of oxygen, hundreds of thousands of deaths, funeral pyres burning in the streets and millions of day laborers left without work and soon without food: the Covid-19 surge in South Asia last summer was among the worst anywhere, at any time, since the...

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Trauma Healing for Servant Leaders

Trauma Healing for Servant Leaders

DAI has begun to offer trauma healing workshops to local Christian leaders. The same leaders who have least access to leadership materials are often the ones who have the greatest exposure to trauma: war, natural disasters, violence, abuse and more. This has become...

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Raising Up Young Leaders in Palawan

Raising Up Young Leaders in Palawan

Mark James Ferrariz, DAI’s Ministry Center Director in the Philippines, has a heart for raising up Filipino youth to be leaders in their country. At a recent training, 90 students from over twenty rural and mountain churches across the island of Palawan...

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The Launch of DAI Niger

The Launch of DAI Niger

In April, DAI launched its 40th ministry center in Niamey, Niger. This has long been a dream of DAI’s Francophone staff because leadership development is one of the critical needs of the country’s Christian minority (Christians number less than 1% of Niger’s...

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Earth Day and Creation Care

Earth Day and Creation Care

April 22nd is Earth Day, a day when people around the world celebrate our beautiful planet and take action to “Restore Our Earth.” For the secular world, this restoration is reactionary to ailments like climate change, destruction of eco-systems, deforestation,...

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Home Again, But Not Really

Home Again, But Not Really

In much of Nigeria, acts of violence – whether by Boko Haram or local bandits – have forced over three million to abandon their villages and flee for their lives. The families living in Ungwan Iliya, a small village in Kaduna State, were forced to leave six months ago...

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Poultry for Pastors

Poultry for Pastors

With the loan he received from DAI Lanka, Niroshana was able to expand his family's poultry farming business and also open a shop selling readymade clothing.When COVID-19 triggered nation-wide lockdowns in Sri Lanka last spring, the poor and vulnerable were left in a...

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Better Leaders = Better Ministry

Better Leaders = Better Ministry

The Difficult Boss Catherine is an area program manager in Uganda for a large NGO. In her position, she had struggled to delegate to those who work for her. Catherine had also thought her subordinates could not do the quality of work she wanted, which made...

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